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Sprinkles of Information

Hello and welcome!!


I snazzed it up for y’all!

Just to tell you a little about myself – I’m a happily  married, mom of three boys who are growing up way too fast. I live in every town suburbia and I’m not embarrassed to say I love it. I drive a smoking hot, scratched up minivan generally cluttered with coffee cups, granola bar wrappers and baseball bats. I think nothing says hot mama like a 40+ woman in smelly, old gym clothes, schlepping from the supermarket to the ball fields to the schools.

Wine with friends, a good book and of course ice cream, or some lower fat concoction pretending to be ice cream, makes even my toughest days sweeter. I exercise because of the wine and ice cream, and because my mom is hot. My favorite flavors are a mix of chocolate, cookies & cream and coffee chip. I strongly believe in multiple toppings.

Even though I would rather not bring it up, I have an emotionally and physically debilitated father that at times I write about (generally in venting and unflattering ways), so I thought I should mention. Lastly, my kids are my treasure and joy every morning and my pleasure to put to bed every night.

Also, I freelance around and have self published two women’s fiction novels on Amazon that are fun, mysterious and sexy. They are an escape that I had so much fun writing.


Thank you so much for reading and letting me share my schtuff (grandma word) with you. I really, really hope you enjoy.

And if you’re interested in hearing more about me, please check out my website or email me at

You’re the best!! Have the sweetest day!!

A.K.A. Icescreammama

51 responses »

  1. I heard you had a weird fetish for chipmunks with mustaches, so I’ve come to find photographic evidence. I suspect they’re hiding somewhere in your minivan.

    In all honesty, this is one of the most refreshing ‘About’ pages I’ve ever read. Methinks you DO know what you’re doing, my friend.

  2. Love all the blogs so far! Your a funny lady 😉 Here to introduce myself from Dysfunctional Dose……

  3. Please visit
    because I noted your blog there. No obligations, except — keep writing.

  4. I just discovered your blog thanks to your freshly pressed page. I was having a really flat day after spending all weekend running around after kids and endless mounds of housework. I’m now smiling thanks to your words and look forward to reading more!!
    Peace, Love and Happiness 🙂

  5. While enjoying coffee and a chocolate brownie for breakfast (yum), I came across your blog. My weigh day is Sunday morn…..know the feelings all too well. I keep three different sizes of pants in my closet as I play the yo-yo game. Nice blog 🙂 (FYI….I only post pictures of myself when I can wear the small size…lol)

  6. Pingback: Bushman’s Cuisine – A culinary experience (Under the Stars) | The Landy – Out and About

  7. Scott Sappenfield

    Super funny page!!!

  8. I just found you and love your blog! I think we’ve were separated at birth although my oldest is a girl (which means I’ve got you beat in the drama department 🙂
    Thanks for the smiles and keep writing!

  9. “I think nothing says hot mama like a 40+ woman in smelly, old gym clothes covered in yogurt and booger, traipsing down the fancy aisles of the supermarket.” I could barely read this to my husband because I was giggling too much. Which is why I’m following your blog.

  10. Pingback: Vote for My Final 3rd Spouse Candidate! | Go Jules Go

  11. Well Hello, “Ice Scream Mama,” I’d love to have you write something for my blog sometime. I’m trying to put together my first ever “theme week,” it’s going to be like Shark Week, but totally different. If interested could you please email me when you get the chance? Thanks and hope to hear from you! Oh, and you can really get up at 5:30 a.m.? Really???

  12. Pingback: Top 5 Lessons Girls Can Learn from Boys

  13. Pingback: Awards! | Blowing off Steam...and Other Cooking Adventures

  14. I love your blog!
    That’s why I nominated you for the Super Sweet Blog Award.
    Check out my blog ( for the rules and more information. 🙂

  15. Pingback: The Alphabet of the Delicious | Deliberately Delicious

  16. I nominated you for the Shine on Award!! Congratulations!!

    Guess what guys?!

  17. Your blog looks like alot of fun, I look forward to reading more of it – I am now craving ice cream, too…Thanks for that 😉

  18. Hello Icescreammama! Dropping by to let you know I may have nominated you for a bloggy award. Hope you can check it out 🙂

  19. Pingback: Hooray! It’s Award Day! | Musings of a Dancing Wino

  20. Pingback: Who? Me? Seriously? Surely You’re Kidding! | knowleselle/Crossing The Line into a New....

  21. i nominated you for the sunshine award!!

  22. Hey, funny lady! I just found you from the Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop site. Loved the post about your mom.

  23. Hey funny lady! I found you from Erma Bombeck Writer’s Workshop site. Loved the post about your hotty mom 🙂

  24. I’ve nominated you for the Sunshine Award because of your creativity and positivity! Read more about it here:

  25. Howdy from Nashville IC Mama! Found you today from Baz’s blog carrying on about some lady in a bikini. Love it! Great blog. Cheers! CBXB

  26. Hi! I was recently awarded a Leibster Award. It is now my opportunity to pay it forward, so I have nominated your blog for the award. If you accept, please click on to view my submission to use as a guide. Thanks!

  27. Hey! Not sure if you participate in these things or not, but I nominated you for a One Lovely Blog Award. I don’t normally do these things, but I thought this is a great way to give a shout out to some of my favourite blogs. You can see my post on mine! It’s not a push for you to participate – do or don’t! 🙂 Happy Friday!

  28. Hi Alisa,

    I loved reading your post about how you lost your period but managed to get it back through a healthy life of moderation. I am a 20 year old powerlifter, and am currently in the process of getting my period back. I lost my period once before due to not keeping a rich enough diet, but got it back within a year or so. I am now at a healthy weight, and try not to over train, so hopefully I will start menstruating again soon!

    I was just wondering if you experienced any other long term health problems as a result of being amenorrheic for a couple of years. Although my strength levels feel fine, I try to take vitamin D3 just in case, as well as other supplements like omega 3. Was your bone density affected at all by the amenorrhea, or, because you still exercised, did your bones remain healthy?

    And how “regular” are your menstruation cycles now? I know that I cannot expect my hormone levels to ever be “normal” again, but I was curious about how regularly you were able to restore your cycles.

    Thanks so much! I greatly appreciate your open discussion about a topic like this.

    • Hi there, Angie. So happy my article helped you in any way. You know, every body is different and some more sensitive than others. I really struggled to get my body to work but for about a decade, it really didn’t. Luckily, I still managed (with assistance) have babies!! Strangely, after I finished nursing my youngest son, my period did return – at 39!! Very odd. But my story is not yours. The important thing is you recognizing unhealthy behavior and working to eat and exercise responsibly. Health really is everything. Oh, and my bone density is good!! No long term problems (besides fertility) – thank goodness!! Good luck to you!!


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