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Like the fingers on my hand, each one is different

“Mommy, look, my hand is almost as big as yours!” Julius exclaimed, placing his little hand against mine.

I studied the smooth, five year-0ld fingers, stretching themselves out, trying desperately to seem bigger. I folded my fingers over, covering his. “You are so big!” I say, looking into his earnest, brown eyes. “How did that happen?”

“I don’t know.” He shrugs, and breaks free from my hold to bounce up and down. A jumble of dark curls bounce with him. “I just growed.”

“You certainly did.” I want to cry, but it’s breakfast time, not crying time. I place a bowl of mixed cereals by his place at the table, but he is still bouncing around me. I actually think the only time he stops moving is when he’s sleeping.

My seven year-old enters. Fair skinned, fair-haired and light-eyed, Michael’s expression is the only dark thing about him. He does not greet the day with a smile. “Hey, baby.” I tip-toe around his moods, but it’s hard with Julius hopping like a bunny at my feet. “Want pancakes?”

“I don’t want anything.”  He scowls at me, but his eyes are so green and his face is so delicate and small, that I have a hard time not just grabbing that face and kissing him, which he would hate. “Okay, let me know when you change your mind.” I sing like Snow White, which is annoying to me, so I’m not surprised when his response is a growl.

I check the clock. Crap. My 10 year-old still isn’t down.  I woke him twice already. Or, at least I thought I woke him. I race the stairs.

“Tyler. Come on, baby! Get up.” He is such a good, deep sleeper that I always just want to leave him be. Of course I don’t, but looking at his relaxed, boyish face snuggled under covers, reminds me of the baby he is, I mean, was. I hug him awake, and he responds with a sleepy grin.

“Mornin’, sunshine.” He really is sunshine. His eyes are gold. His hair is gold. He has always been a golden boy. I try to extract myself gently, but he pouts for more hugging. Finally, against my inner needy mommy, I push him off. “Let’s get moving.” I toss his clothes on top of him. “Don’t forget your socks.” I call as I head back down to the kitchen.

I am greeted by Michael demanding pancakes and Julius circling me like a puppy begging me to play Legos. Tyler slumps in, still sleepy, reaching for another hug.  I give him one, along with a granola bar.

I marvel at each of my sweet babies at the table and my late grandma’s words echo in my ears, “Like the fingers on your hand, each of them different, special, yet part of the same.” These are my children. Whoever they are. Whoever they grow to be. And I will hold their hands until I have to let go.

Different in every way...except in how much I love them.

Different in every way, except in how much I love them.


About Ice Scream Mama

Mama to 3 boys, wife to Mr. Baseball and daughter of a sad man. I have a double scoop every day.

66 responses »

  1. Now I’m dying for 3 kids. They are so gorgeous.

  2. This is beautiful. Your love for your boys shines through this piece just like their personalities do. Thank you for sharing them with us!

  3. ooh i love this so much. 🙂 sooo beautiful.

  4. They are fantastic! And you, too!

  5. This is beautiful! Brought a tear to my eye!

  6. Now you’re making me cry in the morning. Beautiful essay.

  7. Sniff sniff. I’m hormonal enough these days ;). xo

  8. Your boys are gorgeous! I love how you’ve captured each one’s personality so well — it’s almost like I know them personally.

  9. Each of those boys are so exceptional in their own way. You and Howard are doing an amazing job!

  10. So lovely. I have a 14 year old who has stopped holding on. It is an ache I did not expect. Hold old, momma.

    Xo RASJ
    (Aka: the chick in the sleeping bag coat.)

    • oh man, i dread that day. i believe you. i’m holding on as long as they’ll let me. probably longer.. 🙂
      and really, who’s cooler than a chick in a sleeping bag coat? come on.

  11. I have two sisters, and the three of us are each so different, but so close, just like your boys, because, like you guys, my parents allowed us to be exactly who we are. Your boys are lucky to have such an amazing mom.

    • thank you. it’s not always easy navigating the different personalities and needs. they get in the way of each other and it’s hard always doing the right thing for each.

  12. What a gorgeous photo! Love the distinct personalities 😉

  13. Your boys are so handsome. I love how you captured their personalities, and the line from your grandma left me totally choked up. Beautiful post.

  14. I love the way you color them in for us, giving us a peek into your world with them. So much gorgeous detail…

  15. Every time I read a post like this, I think, “Was I crazy for not wanting kids?” Thank goodness for kick-arse nephews and niece types.

  16. Oh, I love reading about your morning with your boys – they’re too cute. I love your closing: “Whoever they are. Whoever they grow to be. And I will hold their hands until I have to let go.” Enjoy each moment!

  17. Loved it! I sort of hate seeing my boys grow up.

  18. Ugh, the ache! So much love and they grow up so fast. I saw a child today that I haven’t seen in almost 7 years–so crazy!!
    P.S. that’s a beautiful photo!

  19. Please tell me how to make them stop growing! Mine are 4 and 6 and I’m already getting desperate for grandchildren!! 😉

    A beautiful post x

    • i know. too fast. you just have to appreciate and enjoy every day. think about it – the most frustrating long days are the ones that keep them little the longest. a new perspective to appreciate a bad day. 😉

  20. Deliberately Delicious

    Your boys are beautiful. And you show, through this writing, a little about each one’s precious and unique personality. Like you, I treasure the time with my boys, and recognize that they are all so different, and so perfect each as they are.

  21. Wow, your boys are a handsome trio. The hand analogy is beautiful. Something to remember. I loved this. Taking time to cherish the everyday moments and the things that make each of your children unique and special.

  22. Such handsome boys, and what a beautiful story you’ve told.

  23. It’s always amazing how unique each child is – even when coming from the same parents.

  24. My goodness, you captured them. Save this. Make them each read it when they are 18 and about to leave home. Or embarrass them at their weddings. But they should read, when they are adults, the extent of your love for them. Thank you for letting us see that love. I hope I’m as good a mom as you one day. xo

  25. There’s no crying in breakfast! Except when there is.

  26. God, they are beautiful! And so is this post. Gorgeous writing – love the no crying time line. I’m also struck by how gentle and loving you are throughout the morning routine. I start off all Snow White-ish and end up all Cruella DeMama. I hope to learn from you or at least join you for ice cream one of these days!

    • thank you. and i agree about my boys. 🙂 i generally do stay pretty calm even in the face meltdown. i don’t know why, maybe it’s bc of my dad that i don’t take anything not serious, too serious, i just try to appreciate them while they still love me. i really am a sap.
      right now, in heavy debates with hubby about blogher 13. so we just might be able to have that ice cream. 🙂

  27. Awww….your boys are so handsome! And this is so true – I have three (but two girls and a boy) and they couldn’t be more different!

  28. Oh my Gosh, the ending totally made me cry. What a beautiful post. As the mom of 2 girls, you have perfectly summed up how I feel. 🙂 Stopping by from the SITS Sharefest on Twitter.

  29. This was indeed beautiful! I have 2 boys and they are as different as night and day but I couldn’t sum up my love for them any better than you did: “These are my children. Whoever they are. Whoever they grow to be. And I will hold their hands until I have to let go.”

  30. This is so beautiful. I love it.

  31. They are gorgeous, and this is a really beautiful piece of writing. It really screams that you care for them deeply. Even the little things, like knowing they all like different cereals, says a lot. This really is lovely 🙂

  32. Pingback: Feature Friday: Ice Scream Mama | Stuphblog

  33. I really want to thank TwinDaddy for introducing us. This is such a beautiful piece.

  34. Pingback: Alisa of Ice Scream Mama is Getting Possessed! - My dishwasher's possessed

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