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My mom is hotter than your mom

Every single time we are out together it happens. We could be walking, shopping or at a school function when inevitably someone will ask, “Are you guys sisters?”

When we reveal that she is, in fact, my mother, there is a whole lot of shocked gasps. “No way!’ They say, “You totally look like sisters.”

As you’d expect, my mom basks in the glow, while on the other hand, I want to scream – very quietly, because I don’t want to hurt my mommy’s feelings – “HELLO PEOPLE! I’m more than 20 years younger!!”

Now I realize it’s not about me looking bad at all. It’s all about her looking good. Which she does. In fact, she looks fabulous. Ridiculously fabulous.

But being a girl, uh, woman, new – okay, relatively new – to middle age is difficult enough; compile it by being the daughter of a hot mom and it’s even more challenging.

When I was younger, having a mom who was constantly playing paddle ball in her bikini, sexy dancing the night away or reminding my chunky teen-aged self, that I didn’t need the ice cream was a little hard to appreciate.

So like many rebellious daughters, I went in the opposite direction; no make-up, hair in a ponytail, baggie clothes and a few pounds to lose. It took me awhile to realize that I didn’t have to be unattractive because she was attractive. That while it can be a little annoying, her being hot was actually the best thing for me. Welcome to my middle-aged clarity, where I can see things more clearly mentally but not literally.

While I once turned up my nose to her constant exercise and irritating, rigid eating habits – steamed tofu and veggies or Cesar salad, no croutons or dressing – uh, that’s plain lettuce mom. I now model a lot of my behavior after her.

My older self sees the value in being a fit, healthy, attractive person; although maybe not to her extreme. Daughters can only allow their mothers to be 75% right, retaining the last 25% for their own self-respect, individuality and superiority. It’s a girl thing.

Her hotness makes me try a little harder. Run a little farther. I’m still eating my ice cream, but I’ll make sure to eat those veggies as well. She keeps me in check, because life’s a competition baby, and I’m out to kick her cute little ass. No, I’m kidding. Sort of. I mean, I don’t want to kick her ass, but I do want to look as hot, maybe hotter. Someday, I will. When she’s like 80.

So the other day, when my brother asked my young nephew to hand something to grandma, and he walked right over to me, I didn’t scream, even quietly, I reminded myself how lucky I am to follow in her footsteps. Hopefully, I will grow up to be just like her – beautiful on the inside as well as the out.

Yup, that's my mom!



About Ice Scream Mama

Mama to 3 boys, wife to Mr. Baseball and daughter of a sad man. I have a double scoop every day.

32 responses »

  1. You have one hot mom!!! I love this piece. My mother is a beautiful woman who does not look her age at 71, she is really enjoying the fact that when we go out she is now taken for my sister. I will let her have it, but I can’t say it thrills me! Thanks for a great post!

  2. I had to send a link to my cousins because their mom, my aunt, is ridiculously hot at 77. Yeah. HOT. I’m sure they’ll relate to this!

  3. Wow, how cool to have a mother you can look up to! It really is all about figuring out who we are and being content with that, rather than living in comparison and envy. Sounds like you’ve got it taken care of (and the grandma thing might have gotten to me too)!

  4. OY, I can relate. If my mom dyed her hair she would definitely be mistaken for my mother and the fact that she’s a freakin’ size 2 doesn’t make me love her any more. LOL

  5. My mother always looked good, but it was my grandmother that was the hot one. There were times when we would go out together – 4 generations – and it was difficult for people to figure out who was who in the group!

  6. “My older self sees the value in being a fit, healthy, attractive person; although maybe not to her extreme. Daughters can only allow their mothers to be 75% right, retaining the last 25% for their own self-respect, individuality and superiority. It’s a girl thing.”


  7. I love this post! My mom looks great too. On more than one occasion, we’ve been asked if we’re sisters. I’m so proud to say that’s my mom!!!

  8. That’s it, exactly! Inside and out. 😉
    Today, my own post complements yours.

  9. I can so relate. I spent years rebelling and trying to be myself. Now I’d love to be like my mom, inside and out.

  10. It’s less fun when you’re her son and other boys are all, who’s that hot chick?, etc. etc. Gross!!! Mine is 63 now and hasn’t exercised regularly in a decade, so we don’t have that problem as often anymore. I’m sure your boys will thank you to not be a hottie tottie.

  11. I love how you circle around to the point where you arrived. You and your mom are beautiful – okay she looks FANTASTIC!!! – but I know exactly what you mean. Self-image is not my strong point, and so I am impressed with your words and thoughts. I am soaking them in right now.

  12. Your mom is beautiful! This is a beautiful post. I love the reflection and I love the realization. My mom is a beauty, too, though I don’t know that we’ve ever been looked at as sisters. Which is probably because I have my dad’s coloring! 😉

  13. Yay for your hot mom! And yay you – you’re genetically destined for hotness as long as you live!

  14. “Daughters can only allow their mothers to be 75% right, retaining the last 25% for their own self-respect, individuality and superiority.”

    Couldn’t have said it better.

  15. Wow, she IS hot. I loved the “that’s just lettuce, mom” line. But at least you know you have her genes. So some of that is passed on to you. Even if you don’t just eat lettuce all the time. Who wants to live like that anyway? Food is delicious!

  16. Count it all joy I’d luv to meet her and my daughter should meet u we all have much in common we’d share hrs of conversation especially me and your mom we’ve been here longer to hee hee he


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